

Strozzapreti: it's a kind of pasta obtainable knead flour and water, cut into strips, rubbed with the hands and torn in order to obtain a piece about 7-8 cm long. The may be seasoned in different ways but perhaps the better way is with the meat sauce Romagna. The name derives from the fact that in the land of Romagna has always existed an anticlericalism due to a secular domain of the Papal States that here, since the border was even more pronounced and therefore, when the "arzdore" (housewife) cook up this pasta for the priests, as well as it was also wish that they could choke.

Ristorante Albergo Bertinoro

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Trattoria albergo Mingaren - Via Consolare 1699, Bertinoro - Forlì-Cesena- Tel/Fax: 0543 448471
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Strozzapreti: it's a kind of pasta obtainable knead flour and water, cut into strips, rubbed with the hands and torn in order to obtain a piece about 7-8 cm long. The may be seasoned in different ways but perhaps the better way is with the meat sauce Romagna. The name derives from the fact that in the land of Romagna has always existed an anticlericalism due to a secular domain of the Papal States that here, since the border was even more pronounced and therefore, when the "arzdore" (housewife) cook up this pasta for the priests, as well as it was also wish that they could choke.

Ristorante Albergo Bertinoro

Restaurant's history

Ida cooks piadina on the house door >>>